Things finished feel so good.

It was a small thing, but I finished the kid hat the other day keeping my hands busy while in a meeting. One thing off the crochet project list.

I made sourdough again. It seemed to be going really well, and it smelled heavenly. The taste and texture turned out to be merely meh. Disappointing, but glad I got practice in. More attempts to come.

On Monday I moved into my office! There are still plenty of things to do in there before it’s “done”, but I am so excited to be out of the living room. My new adjustable height desk is great. The second one and my shelves should be in soon, too! Painting the trim inside the closet is the next step. I want to start there so I get some practice in before I paint something that’s easy to see, and get the closet ready for those shelves.

In small but nice territory, I made several small pans of manicotti on Monday. And yesterday I blew a mountain of leaves off my patio.